Hello World

There are a lot of things that I love.

I’m a bit of a writer. Ask me how I identify myself and it is as a writer. I even have some very convincing corroborating evidence on this tablet that I would totally let you look at except there is a chance you’ll look at my browser history or something and I prefer to keep that private.


My point is that I’m a writer and I freaking love being one, but it isn’t the only thing that I am. I’m also a completely unabashed geek. Do you have a shirt with the image of the moon from 90’s cartoon The Tick? Cause I totally do and I sometimes wear it to work. I have an entire bookcase dedicated to tabletop gaming rule books that I play on a regular basis with several gaming groups. There is a wardrobe in my spare room dedicated entirely to cosplay, for god’s sake. I’m happy (though not always proud) to be a geek.

I also cook. A lot. And surprisingly well! From homemade bread to whipping up some BBQ burritos with grilled peach salsa to good old pecan pie, I’m pretty diverse in what I cook at home. I also love eating out because it gives me the wonderful option of eating delicious food without actually having to cook it myself. It’s a wonderful feeling.

There are other things that I do. I run a lot and have a few marathons under my belt already. I’m qualified to teach people to fight with swords, daggers, and grappling. I game, obsess over TV shows from time to time, and even enjoy a bit of history as well.

What I’m saying is that I do a lot of stuff and while I’ll probably try to focus this blog on some of my bigger interests, I’m not above going on a tangent when something new and shiny catches my eye. It’s really half the fun of having a blog, to be honest. I’ll try to keep this thing on target as much as possible, but you’ll have to forgive me if I go off on a tangent now and then.

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