My Writing Process

I sometimes wonder if I’m doing this writing thing correctly. I mean, I know the words and stuff. I know all kinds of words and occasionally I string them together into sentences. Words and sentences for days. Still, like many people at my stage of becoming a professional writer-type, I sometimes doubt that I’m going about it in the best way. So I thought I’d put my usual process for creating the articles, stories, and novels that I spend so much time and energy into and invite some of my creative friends on Facebook and Twitter to give me feedback.

Step 1: Idea Time


Oh boy! That’ll make for a great story! I should start writing that immediately. I shall walk over to the desk, turn on the computer, and what did I come over here to do? Oh yeah! Writing. Okay. The computer is booting up. I am mere minutes away from

Step 2: Tidy

Pictured: Chaos

Why is my desk such a state? This is no condition to write in! I need space to lay out my notes and to make more notes and this simply won’t do.

Also, my wife asked me to do the dishes. I should probably do that lest I suffer her terrible wrath. Otherwise it will hang over my head and distract me and I mustn’t get distracted from this GREAT idea I have.

Step 3: Tea

Kettle goes on. Green tea goes into my favourite mug with an inspirational quote on it. This is a vital step to clearing my mind.

Step 4: Music

Gotta find the right tunes for this story. Or was it an article I was working on? No, definitely a story. The sci fi one! Better put something actiony to go with the fast-paced story I want to write. Maybe some video game music. Or JPOP. Or a mix of both. Just need to make sure that I have the perfect playlist to go with this epic writing session I have planned.

Step 5: Writing

Pure Brilliance

Words are produced at a speed only reserved for those who have wasted an entire morning not producing words.

Step 6: Lament

Screw you, words!


Okay, Trent. Calm down. You got this. Just chill out and come at it from another angle.

Step 7: Standing Across the Room, Staring at the Computer

No… This angle isn’t helping. The words are just as bad from over here. Still, standing is nice. I shouldn’t spend all day sitting at the desk. It’s bad for my back and legs and brain. In fact, I shouldn’t be inside. This house is suffocating my creative process.

Step 8: Running

Exercise is good and absolutely not an excuse to get away from the crushing realisation that I am failing as a writer.

Step 9: Cake

Delicious cake. You’ll never judge me.

I earned my treat

Step 10: Writing

Okay. I have both run away from and comfort eaten my fears away. Now I can’t even tell what I was so worried about. The story is flowing. The words are pouring out of me. The characters are behaving. Or misbehaving. Depends on the character, really.

Still brilliant.

So that’s my typical writing session. With this, I have produced the third draft of a novel and close to a hundred articles over the past two years.

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